Saturday, May 3, 2008

Where's The Best Place I Ever Dove? Could it be Fiji?

That is virtually an impossible question to answer. There are so many to choose from, the conditions change from time to time. I"ll attempt to answer that, don't know if it's possible.       I'll bet you have your favorite, please feel free to comment and tell us why.

I think I know, but a number of places come to mind.  So, let'sstart with Fiji.  Fiji is is an Archipelago made up of over 330 islands I must enjoy it, I've been there six times.
I've stayed at three different resorts, but The Marlin Bay Resort, now called the Beqa Lagoon Resort, pronounced "Benga" stands out as one of the top dive locations, dive operations, facilities, with food and accomidation among the places I've ventured.  

The food at Beqa Lagoon Resort, is beyond description, it's 5 star all the way, the service is not to be believed.  The bures, (pronounced booray) (huts) where we sleep are full accommodations, with Fijian furnishings, hot showers, and air conditioning.  The water is safe to drink from the tap.  The Fijian people are all about hospitality and service. The service is mixed in with friendship.  They have a custom, once they are introduced, they NEVER forget your name.  

Bequa is also known as the "fire walk island". Local natives put on shows during the week with traditional dances, and the fire walkers do just that every trip.

I have to say on my second trip there, two years following the first trip, while I was getting off the little boat, I was greeted by Francis, who said, "Bula Jim, where's Midge"? Can you imagine going some place "where everybody knows your name"  I thought I was at Cheers, and started looking around for Cliff and Norm. A natural opening for beer, Fiji Bitters is just what the doctor ordered.  So in a nutshell let's just call the Fijian people some of the happiest, most content people on the planet, especially those that work at Beqaa Lagoon Resort. 

The dive operation over ten years has always been superb, great boats, great dive masters, with eyes like  smart bombs, able to locate just what you want for your photography.  For me, the thing that really hit me about diving Fiji, were the soft corals and abundant sea life. 

For the novice or serious photographer the soft corals, are brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows, with sea fans galore.  On any given dive you are apt to see anemone fish, blue ribbon eels, schooling barracuda, colorful damsels, goat fish, butterfly fish, popcorn shrimp, all manner of little critters for macro photography, and sharks. The water is warm and the visibility is always in the area of one hundred feet.  Bring a 3mm wet suit.  

Did I just say sharks?  You don't want to miss the "Big Fish Feed".   How often does a diver have the opportunity to see schooling bull sharks, lemon sharks, and a Tiger shark in the same day? This is a dive you don't want to miss.  

Several dive spots stand out in my memory. E.T. because you actually feel as though you are out of this word, Carpet Cove, where you will find a very nice in tact wreck, Shark's Reef, Ceasar's Rock, Joe's Best, all with amazing soft corals, fans and abundant sea life. Don't miss Frigates in Blue water the pelagics are always out there.  

Add all this to the fact that you can fly non stop on Air Pacific in about twelve hours from LAX and you are set for a great dive vacation.  

The new owners have added Jacuzzis to the bures in front, a new infinity pool, and built more bures surrounded by koi ponds.  The place is just beautiful.  One visit and you will understand why it is called the "Honeymoon Resort".

For the non-diver, there is plenty of sun, rare humidity, tropical breezes, a hammock in front of your bure.  Whether you lay out by the pool, tour the local villages, hike to the waterfall, or go kayaking or snorkeling the non-diver will have plenty to enjoy.  Don't forget a massage, then grab a book and get into your hammock. Did somebody say relaxing?

English is taught in the schools, but a few words you will want to know are Bula, hello, Vinaka, thank you, and of course bure for house.  On my last visit Bulo who runs the office and her husband John invited me into their bure for tea and cakes.  I hadn't seen John in 5 years, and he yelled out to me, "Bula Jim, come in"  What a place.  If you are a serious diver, you don't want to miss Fiji. If you are a non-diver and want to be pampered, the Beqa Lagoon Resort is an excellent choice for your vacation. Return to Home Page  

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